Heeft je paard PPID of Cushing – gratis test

PPID bij paarden

PPID of Cushing komt meestal bij oudere paarden en pony’s voor. De afkorting staat voor Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction. PPID werd voorheen ook wel ‘Cushing disease’ genoemd. Kort gezegd is PPID een verouderingsziekte die een verstoring geeft in de hormoonafgifte in de hypofyse van een paard. Bij paarden met PPID geeft de hypofyse te veel […]

Nutrition of Horses with Cushing’s disease

Horses cushings disease

Many horses with Cushing’s disease (also called pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, PPID) also have insulin resistance (IR), though not all do. Horses with PPID should be fed a primarily forage diet that will promote ideal body condition score and avoid obesity, which will worsen IR. Concentrates should be fed only as needed to maintain moderate […]

Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) or Cushing disease?

PPID Cushing disease horses paarden

Changing lifestyle, increased calorie intake and reduced physical activity leads to potential risk of unhealthy individuals. Horses are not too different from human with this respect: improved grazing pastures, legume, diet rich in carbohydrates, concentrates (which were not easily available earlier) and reduced physical activity and exercise have increased the risk of various metabolic and hormonal […]

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